“Associations and foundations to which we devote a drop of hope…
… because a lot of drops might give rise something more than the hope…
… the certainty!!!”
A missionary culture and activity
An association for assistance and hosting of children with leukemia and tumor diseases
Medici Senza Frontiere (MSF) - A private international organization created to provide health assistance to populations in danger and witness their situation.
Fa.Ce. Bologna ONLUS - A voluntary association which takes care of the disabled and their families. It was founded in Bologna by a group of parents of brain-injured children November 20, 1985.
TGT s.r.l. - Ventole centrifughe saldate
Vicolo Collodi 1E,
Rivabella - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy - Tel.: +39 051 751697 Fax: +39 051 752780 -
www.tgtsrl.com -
P.I. (Eori) IT00527071203 - C.F. 00898030374 - Mecc. BO015827 - REA 233897
- Cap. Soc.
10.400,00 i.v.