Design and production of welded impellers
for industrial’s applications

Social Contribution

We have always been committed to causes from social to cultural, supporting the scientific research, social sphere, environment, art and culture. Distributing a drop of hope … in the hope that plenty of drops together will give securities to the effort of these associations and foundations.

TGT s.r.l. - Ventole centrifughe saldate
Vicolo Collodi 1E, Località Rivabella - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy - Tel.: +39 051 751697 Fax: +39 051 752780 - -
P.I. (Eori) IT00527071203 - C.F. 00898030374 - Mecc. BO015827 - REA 233897 - Cap. Soc. € 10.400,00 i.v.